Monday, February 25, 2013

A constant journey of improvement

As an information scientist, nothing interests me more than making knowledge and learning accessible to as many people as possible. That is why I am so happy to participate in the EdX open courseware program that many of our nation's colleges and universities have begun contributing to. EdX brings the expertise of some really excellent minds into the homes of anyone who wants to learn. And don't worry if you don't own a computer. As long as you are near a library, this program is available to you. (Yeah, libraries!)

My husband and I have been waging an ongoing battle regarding the philosophical use and value of statistical information since we first met. He's quite analytical and I can be pretty emotional in my arguments. So, in an effort to educate myself on the foundation of statistical data for the sake of my marriage, I joined the statistics course being offered through EdX by a professor from UC Berkley.

The class is quite interesting so far, and for something available for free, the quality is tremendous. I am shocked by the amount of basic algebra I have retained - my teachers weren't lying when they said I would use that knowledge again.

Basically, to all of my friends, this is a PSA. Keep learning, take advantage of these sorts of opportunities. If nothing else, it might keep you from getting stuck in a cubicle.

Check out all the classes over at

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