Monday, January 18, 2010

The Excuses...

I've been noticeably bad at blogging in recent months.  It takes a great deal of effort to convince myself that the reasons for this have nothing to do with being a bad blogger (or, God forbid, a bad writer).  Perhaps one or both of these things is true.  But a girl has to sleep - and fretting about what I could have spent my waking hours doing is not a healthy way to function. 

So here are some marvelous excuses that you can be certain I am indulging in when blog entries are scarce:

  1. I'm a student...  I wouldn't necessarily call it an "indulgence," but it is the activity that probably fills up the most time (second only to my full-time job).  I'm studying information and library science.  The ultimate goal is to become a sexy librarian - who can actually help you find books and do research.  I'm a best of both worlds kind of girl.
  2. I spend far too much time watching television... I'm one of those people who can't just watch one episode.  For instance, today I have about 30 minutes free and thought I would catch an episode of "Secret Diary of a Call Girl" while I waited for some laundry to finish.  3 hours later, I've watched all of season 2 and immediately segue into reading the blog of Belle de Jour.  Which brings me to...
  3. I read more blog entries in a day than I'll ever write in a year... Blogs fascinate me.  Their more immediate and person than a novel.  They can give you up-to-the-minute information, straight from the person.  I would never waste my time with Entertainment Tonight or TMZ when I can read the personal blogs of the people I'm actually interested in.  If I had to pick 2 blogs that I couldn't live without, they would be FreshnessFactorFiveThousand and Lifetheuniverseandcombom.  
  4. YouTube, Twitter, DailyBooth... enough said.  
  5. Have you heard? I'm writing a book. Make that 4...  I find that I write better when I have lots of different characters and plot lines to explore.  They don't all fit together in one story, so they eventually migrate away from one another.  Over time, my writing style has evolved in some many directions.  By day, I'm an editor, so writing for fun has certainly changed as a result.  My reading interests have also changed and its easy to see how ideas are impacted by that which inspires us.
  6. I have a boyfriend...  Relationships take time.  Sometimes in good ways, sometimes in bad ways.  But if you love someone, you give them that priceless commodity no matter what the reason.  Time, in many ways is all we have.  Time and one another.
I'm not making any promises this time.  I'll post again when it feels right.  Maybe tomorrow.  Maybe next year.  Who knows.  All I can be certain of is that writing this, right now, feels right.  I'm not going to look back on this time as a waste.  And at the end of the day, that is how I get to sleep at night.

Take care.

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