It's just about 8:30 and I am trying to finish up an important assignment for my graduate school class. However, the program I'm working in is frying my brain, so I thought that writing an entry might be a good distraction while I recharge. Interestingly enough, I am currently in a cubicle, even though I am not at work. In the reference room in my library they have nice little cubicle walls around the computer work stations that are cozily familiar in a rather sick way. Since when did cubicles start feeling so damn homey to me? Curses.
Anyway, today was a tough day. Mostly because I received some very upsetting news. Now this news isn't upsetting for most people, but for a handful of us Americans and for the majority of Brits, last night was a night we won't soon forget. Last night, after his acceptance of Most Popular Actor at the National Television Awards, David Tennant announced that he would not be returning for a 5th season of "Doctor Who" in 2010. After the few "specials" that are being released in 2009, Mr. Tennant will be leaving the TARDIS for good. (Although I'm sure we're all hoping that they will find some wibbly-wobbly excuse to bring him back as a guest star at some point in the future/past/whatever...)
So, after a small tear fell down to the letter G on my keyboard I decided to stop feeling like someon just broke up with me and try to see the bright side. I mean, this is a first for me! I didn't start watching Dr. Who until quite recently so this is the first actual regeneration I'll be experiencing with everyone else. Sure, I've seen Eccleston morph into Tennant, but it didn't really mean much to me. This feels like a major blow, a loss. But look what we got from the last regeneration?! And now we've got Moffat doing the writing. I really can't wait to see where it goes.
So I suppose thanks are in order. Thank you to Kurt for pulling me into his crazy obsession and making it MY crazy obsession. Thank you David for openning the doors of the TARDIS to me and letting my imagination run wild. I can't wait to find out what happens to you as they transition to your new self. But no matter who comes along to take your place, you'll always be my Doctor.